About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


All rite!  I'm actually some-what on time with this post this week!  Yayz!

For as long as I can remember, I've always had really odd dreams at night.  Like, last night I dreamt that I was eaten by Parana's (I know I totally slaughtered that word) that lived under the grocery store.  And a few nights ago, I had this totally bizarre dream where my friends face merged into a bubble-bees face, and that as a bubble-bee, he was flying around trying to sting me because that morning I had made him pancakes for breakfast instead of waffles.   And, well, you get the picture.  

A lot of times, after I wake up from a weird dream, I'm shocked.  I think to myself "Wow, I can't believe all that actually went on in the back of my mind." while making a face that looks kinda like 0.o that. 

Sometimes, I wake up in the morning, and I know I had a weird dream the night before, but I don't remember it.  So, I get out of my bed, and go to school.  Then, sometime during the school day, someone will do or say something that'll trigger my mind to remember my dream.  And then, when I remember it, I just burst out laughing.  Then everyone around me goes 0.o then proceed to either slowly back away or ask what I'm laughing so hard about. Goooood fun.

Anyway, I'm gonna stop for now.  I'm planning on adding more on to this tomorrow morning, or the next time I have a dream and can remember it well enough to write about it.  I just wanted to get this first intro part out of the way.

Jya ne


Saturday, November 22, 2008

Christmas (A bit early, I know)

Heh, it's been awhile.  Sorry about that.  I've been quite busy as of late, and I totally spaced on writing in this thing. Oops.

Right now, we're steadily nearing the holiday season.  Normally, I'd be happy about this, but right now my feelings are just "Eh, Christmas.  So what?".  Everyone else seems to be getting all hyped up about it.  My younger brothers (5th and 8th grade) are already choosing all the presents they want to receive from my parents.  My parents have already bought them said presents (Most notably, a $200 dollar lego set for the 5th grader, and a PSP for the 8th) and have stashed them away in the closet.  When they asked me what I wanted, I just looked at them and said "Money for when I go to Washington". They haven't given a response to weather or not that will be happening yet. Also, it seems that all my friends are planning out what they're giving everyone.  Just this morning I was on the phone with my cousin when she said "Your Christmas Present is so creepy. I found it online and ordered it today".  This made me think about what I want to get everyone for christmas.

Normally,  I get everyone the same thing; a box of chocolates, and a gift card for itunes or the bookstore. This year, though, I kind of want to get everyone presents that are more unique.  I just don't know what to get them, and, eh, like I said before I'm really lacking enthusiasm for this.  Actually, I've never really been a big Christmas person.  Mainly because all we do on Christmas is drive all over the state to visit my family, which, in my opinion is very boring. Christmas is always the same for my family.  One year, we went down to St. George for Christmas, but even that was a little boring since I don't find St. George all that exciting.  Most of my friends will be away for the holidays this year, so I'll be even more bored this year then I was in previous years.  Of course, I want my friends to have fun on their travels, but part of me really wishes they'd just stay home and hang with me all through break.  Kinda selfish, I know.

This reminds me.  Every year, I have to skate in a skating show for christmas.  And, guess what? I hate it.  I hate doing shows, because the girls who skate at my rink are all younger then me, and annoy the crap out of me.  I hate christmas music with a burning passion.  It's too cheerful, and leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.  The only good part about it is that after the show, I get to eat a whole bunch of free junk food with my friends who are coming to see said show.   I think my  Grandma is coming to see the show as well, but she'll be bringing her boyfriend (Whom I'm 80% sure is her fiance now) with her. And, well, I don't really like him. Actually, no one in my family really likes him besides my Grandma.  (long story that I won't go into here) But.. yeah.  I'll be able to deal with the skating stuff. After all, I've put up with it for 11 years.

I'm going to stop now.  This is starting to turn into a rant.



Saturday, November 8, 2008


So, today I had to take the Juv. Freestyle test for skating.
And, I didn't pass it.  
Of course, I was expecting not to pass it.  After all, today was the first time I've tested since two years ago, so I'm not mad about not passing.  It's the judges rudeness and unrealistic expectations that are pissing me off right now.

During my first footwork, I took a HUGE fall.  
During said fall, I slid 5 feet across ROUGH ice, which cut up my back and made it all bloody (I was wearing an open-back dress), cut my right-knee open (Lots of blood there) and scraped my elbow.  After falling I, of corse, got right back up and kept going, but, well, it was kind of DIFFICULT for me to do ANY of my jumps or spins after that because there was blood litterally flowing DOWN my back and DOWN my knee for the last 2 minutes of my program.  

So, after doing my horrible program, I got off, gave my coach a nod which generally meant "Yeah, yeah, I know I failed." and waited for my papers from the judges that said I failed to come.  At this point in time, I wasn't mad.  Yet. 

After I waited about 20 minutes, the judges papers came.  And, guess what? The first thing all of them said was "That fall wasn't that bad." 
What. The. Flip. 
I can't believe they actually EXPECTED me to be able to skate at top level while blood's flowing down my leg and back.  I mean, after I got off the ice, I couldn't freakin walk AT ALL.  And then, one of the judges had the NERVE to dock me points because she didn't like my music.  How retarded is that?  I mean, to some extent I can understand making a comment about not particularly liking the music, but actually docking me because of it?  

There was a lot more that was said that pissed me off, but, well, I'm too pissed to list it all now.

BUT, on a more positive note, after my test I went and got a really nice new coat, and then went over to Osaka (A local sushi resturant) and pigged out on delicious sushi. 

I'm gonna stop now.

Jya ne~


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It's been a while.  Sorry about that, guys. I've been pretty busy as of late, and have had some issues getting on here.  But, don't worry!  Aside from the fact that my cats' are currently trying to rip my foot to shreds (I'm wearing my skating tights, which they love attacking.), I'm alive and well.  

Anyway, just a few moments ago, the results of this years elections were announced. And, of course, Obama won!  I'm pretty happy about this, and I bet that Obama's family is pleased, as well.  I mean, after the Obamas' had to go through losing an important member of their family, I'm sure that his win has really cheered them up.  

You know, in all honesty, I'm not quite sure about how I feel about his winning.  My parents are thrilled about it, and they feel that he will help better our economy, schools'/children's education, and that he will help pull us out of war.  But... I really don't know.  Right now I'm kinda worried we're going to get bommed to death if he pulls the troops out too soon.  To tell the truth, in a way, I actually kinda hoped Mcain would become Prez, but I also want the U.S. to change, so I guess what my friend said [quote]"If you want a country to change, you should change its leader and the part it belongs to."[/un-quote] was true, even if gramatically what he said doesn't really seem to make much sense to me.

Well, I'm gonna stop now.
I have lottsa homework to do, and so little time to do it in. @_@

Jya ne!
