About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Monday, September 29, 2008


This was originally going to be a post about the epic ending of Code Geass R2, but, well, I'm too grumpy to talk about that, so instead I'll talk about midterms and my motivational issues.  
Fun, I know.

ANYWAY, we got midterms today, and mine were not good at all.  I got comments from all my teachers like "Good Student, but lacks Motivation"  And, you know what?  I agree with them.  I really don't have any motivation to do things that don't interest me.  I mostly have good grades in the classes that I love (Even though I have a horrible grade in english right now.  Oops.) but, in classes I hate, I just can't find the motivation to do the work.  I mean, I work in class, but after the 45 minute period of doom is over, I don't feel a need to force myself to do the work for that class anymore.  It's kind of sad, but it's true.  

I feel bad about not being motivated, really I do.  I know that this year my grades actually count, and that if I fail a class everything is gonna go downhill, but... I don't know.  I tell myself to do the work, I think about what will happen if I don't put more effort into classes that don't interest me, but nothing seems to be working.  Right now, things have gotten worse, too.  *sighs* I guess it's mostly because people who are supposed to hate me, like me, and people who are supposed to like me, hate me.  So... yeah.

ANYWAY, I want to ask you people that may or may not be reading this... where do you get your motivation from?



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