About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hey!  It's about 10:43 and I'm bored out of my freakin mind.  Fun, ne?

If this was a normal school day, I'd probably be getting ready to go to sleep right about now, but during the weekends my sleep schedule is always screwed up.  And by that, I mean that I sleep A LOT.  I mean, last night I slept for 12 hours, and then I took a nap earlier for 1 hour.  And, because of this, I'm not really very tired right now.  

*sighs*  I really wish something exciting would happen now, but, alas, I don't think anything will.  You see, I haven't really gone out so far this weekend because my legs are freakin killing me.  I mean, right now, I can hardly walk.  For now, I'm blaming skating.  This week has been a rough week as far as skating goes, and the more rough skating is = the more pain I'm in.  I've been stretching like crazy to try and stop the pain, but it hasn't really worked very well so far. 

I think tomorrow I'm going out to buy even more cosplay stuff.  Yeah, I know, I'm crazy.  Oh!  I guess I should mention that I got a new Ipod nano.  It's called something like "Chonomatic" or something.  I can't remember.  Anyway, It's pretty neat.  I've already put some pics on it and have bought games for it as well.  Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to convert all my AVI files to MP4 files so I can put Code Geass and One Pound Gospel on my ipod, but so far I haven't been able to figure out anything.  But, I will figure it out, mark my words.

Gosh, I've pretty much run out of things to say.  It seems that, recently, all my blog posts have been really pointless.  I'm going to try harder from now on to actually write about intellegent things in this blog instead of rambling on about my day.  So look forward to that, I guess. With that being said, I'm going to stop writing in this thing.  I'm expecting a call from a good friend of mine who is currently traveling overseas, and I want to be able to jump up and run to the phone once it starts ringing without having to worry about leaving my post in this thing unfinished.

Jya ne!


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