About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Pointless Post is Pointless....

Hey everyone who actually reads this thing!  What's up?

Today, I'm in a good mood, I guess.  I don't know why either.  Maybe it's 'cause I just finished dinner and am full.  Or maybe it's 'cause I finally got caught up with Perfect Girl Evolution (Gotta love reverse-harem shoujo manga).  Hm.  I don't know.  I guess I'm just having an all around good day.

Hm.  Was there even a specific reason for me writing this?  I can't remember any more.  Oh well. I noticed that my rainbow colors I use keep changing in every post.  So, yeah, sorry about that.  I can't quite make up my mind about which color combo looks best, so bear with me while I do my experimenting. 

Now I remember the point of this post, but, well, I'm kind of tired and don't really like writing about the awesome party me and my friends had over the weekend, so you'll have to wait till tomorrow to hear about that. 

Gosh, now I feel like just plain rambling about random stuff, which is kind of sad because the original point of this post was not for me to ramble about crap.  OH WELL It's the new point now, I guess.  So, does anyone like listening to Oshare Kei music?  Seriously, I'm like the only person I know IRl who listens to it.  Sad, huh?  I don't know if that makes me unique or just plain weird.  *sighs*  Oh, guess what?!?! I'm going to Dire en Grey's concert for the 3rd time in a month or so!  I'm so excited!  I bet that all you people are jealous, huh? *squeels*

I think I've been rambling for too long.  Well, actually I haven't, but I'm kind of sick of writing in this thing right now, so more next time.

Jya ne!

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