About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog Post Number One

Hello, everyone!

This is my first blog entry for Honors English. Exciting, I know.

I think that my posts in this blog will be a little different then the ones I post in an older blog of mine, purely because this is for school.
And, well, I don't know about you, but I sure don't want my classmates (some of whom I hardly know) to know every little thing that goes on in my head.  I mean, seriously, if I posted the same way in this blog that I do in my other blog I'd probably get in pretty big trouble. ^_^;;

So, for the time being, please bear with me as I get things going on this account.  
I promise once things get going this blog will be very interesting, to say the least.

1 comment:

Stacey Chan said...

I'm stalking you, Cookie! MUHAHAHA!!