About Me

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This is my blog for Honors English. Yeah, I know. Fun, huh? I guess you guys are probably wondering why my blog title/headline is so weird, right? Well, basically, it just represents the fact that I love Ali Project and Code Geass. You get that, right? ANYWAY, I really like reading and writing. I also enjoy drawing, playing most sports, and watching anime. And, unlike my friends and family, I'm a pretty average girl.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Its over, FINALLY!  And, of course, when I say its I mean Anime Banzai 2008. 

I had a LOT of fun.  But, then again, that's not any different from other conventions I go to. Since it was an anime convention, I have lots of amusing stories.  

Like, for example, there was this L cosplayer who kept randomly popping up throughout the day and, one of the times he "popped up" me and my cousin just happened to be running inside an elevator so we could play the up and down game since we were bored.  So, what does the L do?  He runs inside with us.  But then, while we were all sitting there giggling, this fat old guy in overalls who was a NORMAL-O (What we call Normal, non-convention related people who were at the same hotel the convention was being held at).  After the Normal-O came in, it got really quiet and Awkward.  So, finally, after a minute L said "Uh... I should go." Then he pressed the button that opens the elevator doors and he ran out.  Then, a few seconds after that me and my cousin (Me being Kallen from Code Geass, and My cousin being Misa from Death Note) looked at eachother and said "Uh... we  should be going, too." then we also ran out.  After that, us and the random L just sat there and laughed and laughed.  

We also kept running into these guys from a card trading shop who were wearing long white coats that said "Pokemon Professor" on them.  Everytime we saw them, they gave us free pokemon cards, pins, and stickers, so now I have this great big bag filled with Pokemon cards.  I stuck the stickers on the back on my convention badge, and put the 41 pins I got on my convention lanyard thing.  It was great.  I also took a pic of all the Pokemon professor guys when they were doing this really funny group pose on the big "Grand Staircase" at the hotel.  Needless to say, their posing and my picture taking caused a HUGE traffic buildup on the stairs, with around 50 people trying to go up, and 50 trying to go down.  

The cosplay contest/masqurade was great, too.  I didn't enter this year, though.  But, yeah, it was still enjoyable.  BUT!  The best part came AFTER the cospaly contest/masqurade was over when they started the closing ceremonies.  Heh heh heh.  During the closing ceremonies I got to sit RIGHT behind Vic Mingogna.  It was awesome.  I got him to sign a DVD and a hat.  He was also fun to talk to, even though he's, like, as old as my mom, I think. lol AND... during anime idle (I know that's spelt wrong, forgive me!) MY SUPER, ULTIMATE, AWESOME, AMAZING, HERO TUXEDO MASK SANG A SONG WHICH I MADE A VIDEO OF AND MIGHT POST LATER JUST FOR FUN.

*whew* I'm tired now.  Maybe I'll write more about Convention fun later!

Jya ne!


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Different Timezones and how they PISS ME OFF

For the past few years, I've had an "obsession" with the internet.  Of course, this, in my opinion isn't a bad thing at all.  I've learned a lot from just sitting on my butt randomly searching for my favorite T.V. shows on google.  And, so, naturally, because of my "obsession" with the internet, I have met many awesome and amazing people who I love talking/typing/with.  Many of these friends live all over the world, and so this has widened my view of the world, so to speak.  But! That's the problem! Since all my amazing online friends live in different parts of the world, I have issues being able to talk/type to them on a regular basis. This has ALWAYS driven me crazy.  It  has also taught me how just one hour can make a whole lot of difference.

For example,  I have a good friend whom I will not name who lives in a area which is an hour behind the time here.  Now, since I'm such good friends with this particular person, I like being able to talk to them as much as possible. And, well, on weekdays, nither of us can get onto the compy to chat until around 10:30 p.m. because of our busy lives.  Often times I end up talking to them until Midnight my time, while it's only 11:00 their time.  This may not seem like a lot, but to me it is.  Normally, I go to bed at 11:00, and, well, missing an hour of sleep every other week day really isn't a very good idea... for me, at least.  (It's okay for me to miss sleep on weekends, though, 'cause I can just sleep in. I can't miss too much, though.)

I really wish that I lived in some amazing area where the timezone was made perfectly so I could be able to talk to all my online friends at least twice a week.... I know that there isn't a timezone like that, but I can still wish, ne?


P.S. My VN I'm trying to download right now hates me.  It's taken 2 days so far to seed on bittorent.  *sighs* I'm really upset about that. Oh well.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


~This entry is dedicated to my good friend whom I will not name who gets bloody noses as often as I do! ~

Nosebleeds are... EVIL.  Seriously, ever since I was a little girl I have always gotten them.  I'm not exageratting when I say that I get at least one a week, which is a lot compared to some of my friends who get one bloody nose a year.  The worst part is that I always get them at really inconvenient times.  

Like, one time last spring, I was walking home from school when BAM! I got a HUGE bloody nose.  And, well, lucky me didn't have any tissue. So, naturally I looked up at the sky to try and stop the blood flow and then slammed my hand to my nose, but, well, that didn't work.  In the end, I left a great, big, gross, trail of blood that lead from the stop sign by the school back to my house.  Needless to say, by the time I got home I was a mess. The only thing good about it was that I managed to gross out everyone who was walking behind me.

Another time, I bled all over the bathroom.  Ick. Ick. Ick.

Now... what was the point of this entry? Oh yes!  You people who don't get bloody noses often should be grateful!  Oh, and NO I do not get bloody noses so often 'cause I'm a pervert 'cause I'm not a pervert.

Jya ne!

BTW... expect the next entry to be about Clannad, a Visual Novel I'm playing/reading/whateveryouwanttocallit right now.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Convention Stress.... >.<

Argh!  It's a week before AB 2008, and I'm facing EXTREME convention stress right now.  

For those of you who don't quite know what I'm talking about, convention stress is basically what happens to all frequent con-goers right before a convention.  Right now, I'm facing cosplay stress, as always.  I'm sure next week I'll be facing hotel money stress.  And then I'll be facing dealers room money stress.  Mm, basically all the stress I can see myself having this year is money-related.  Kinda sad, huh? I think by the end of this convention I will have spent $450 total.  *sighs* I think I'm going really overboard for this, which is kinda bad since AB is such a small con. 

Anyway, just... arugh!  I have SO much to do in SO little time.  So, to show you all the pain I have to go through in just two weeks, I'm going to write a list of things to do, and the dates they have to be done by. ^_^

1: Finish Chloe Bodysuit-thing - October 20 (I have a pre-con photoshoot scheduled.  Annoying!)
2: Put belt buckles on boots - October 20
3: Take pink prom dress to cleaners and get it cleaned - October 24
4: Borrow necklace for pink dress - October 24
5: Order Wig - October 11
6: Order other wig - October 11
7: Finish Skirt (Annoying!)
8: Figure out who the hell is staying at the hotel with me - October 18th
9: Buy new brown shoes - October 20
10: Buy new white socks - October 20
11: Make Kallen necklace thing - October 20 (Gah! I have like 3 photoshoots for this costume! GR! ANNOYING!*

...You get the point, ne?  

I really don't want to do any of the photoshoots. During  the last one I went to I almost fell off a bridge.  You see, I was walking on top of this 8-foot-tall railing that was on a bridge for a picture, and, well, 1/2 way through the pic this stupid guy decided to jump on the bridge.  -_- The only reason I didn't fall was cause I jumped off the railing and rolled on the bridge.  My friend who was taking the pictures actually got a really cool picture of me jumping off. 

Hahhhh.... I should stop ranting now.  No one understands what I'm ranting about, anyway.

Jya ne~


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nyappy October!

Ah!  It's October!  Actually, it's been October for a few days now, but I've been  feeling too bitter recently to really be happy about it being October, even though October is my favorite month for a few different reasons.  Oh, and this October is especially special. Anyway, the reasons I like October so much are...

Reasons October is Great overall:

1 - The weather is BRILLIANT.  Seriously, it's not too hot, and it's not too cold.  It reminds me of the weather in Oregon and Washington during the summer.  Those are my favorite places to visit, because of the nice weather and because I have some good friends up there, but that's a story for another blog.

2 - One word.  Halloween.  Seriously, I love Halloween.  What, with the costumes, candy, and parties, who doesn't love Halloween? 

3 - I have about 6000 friends who have Birthdays in October, and, honestly, I really love making Birthday Cards that torture and embarrass my buddies. 

4 - In October, most teachers stop beginning each and every sentence with "In this class you MUST...."  ...I'm not the only one who has noticed that teachers say that a lot during the first month or so of school, right?

5 - Bands I like are always on tour during the fall, and they always seem to be playing in Utah and/or Cali or Colorado during October, and so I normally go to a lot of concerts in October.  ((Unfortunatly, there are no concerts I want to go to this October, BUT I will be going to see Dir en Grey's concert in November))


And, of course, the reasons that make October special this year are....

1 - Anime Banzai 2008 , which, for those of you who don't know, is an Anime Convention I attend and Voulenteer at.  Last year, AB was in August, the heat was basically hell for all the cosplayers, including myself.  (Cosplay.  Figure out what it means yourself, it's not that hard.) I'm also looking forward to this because a lot of my best budds will be attending the con, so that means I get to spend a lot of time with them. AND.... I GET TO MISS A DAY OF SCHOOL... JUST LIKE LAST YEAR! 

2 - Death Note Movie 2 in theatures. (I know that's spelt wrong)  Do I need to say anything else besides Death Note?  Probably.  Will I?  No.


Anyway, those *counts* 7 things are what makes October so great and wonderful and amazing.

Well, I'm gonna go now.

Jya ne!

PS.  Did anyone get which band I referenced to in the title of this post?

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hey!  It's about 10:43 and I'm bored out of my freakin mind.  Fun, ne?

If this was a normal school day, I'd probably be getting ready to go to sleep right about now, but during the weekends my sleep schedule is always screwed up.  And by that, I mean that I sleep A LOT.  I mean, last night I slept for 12 hours, and then I took a nap earlier for 1 hour.  And, because of this, I'm not really very tired right now.  

*sighs*  I really wish something exciting would happen now, but, alas, I don't think anything will.  You see, I haven't really gone out so far this weekend because my legs are freakin killing me.  I mean, right now, I can hardly walk.  For now, I'm blaming skating.  This week has been a rough week as far as skating goes, and the more rough skating is = the more pain I'm in.  I've been stretching like crazy to try and stop the pain, but it hasn't really worked very well so far. 

I think tomorrow I'm going out to buy even more cosplay stuff.  Yeah, I know, I'm crazy.  Oh!  I guess I should mention that I got a new Ipod nano.  It's called something like "Chonomatic" or something.  I can't remember.  Anyway, It's pretty neat.  I've already put some pics on it and have bought games for it as well.  Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to convert all my AVI files to MP4 files so I can put Code Geass and One Pound Gospel on my ipod, but so far I haven't been able to figure out anything.  But, I will figure it out, mark my words.

Gosh, I've pretty much run out of things to say.  It seems that, recently, all my blog posts have been really pointless.  I'm going to try harder from now on to actually write about intellegent things in this blog instead of rambling on about my day.  So look forward to that, I guess. With that being said, I'm going to stop writing in this thing.  I'm expecting a call from a good friend of mine who is currently traveling overseas, and I want to be able to jump up and run to the phone once it starts ringing without having to worry about leaving my post in this thing unfinished.

Jya ne!
