I had a LOT of fun. But, then again, that's not any different from other conventions I go to. Since it was an anime convention, I have lots of amusing stories.
Like, for example, there was this L cosplayer who kept randomly popping up throughout the day and, one of the times he "popped up" me and my cousin just happened to be running inside an elevator so we could play the up and down game since we were bored. So, what does the L do? He runs inside with us. But then, while we were all sitting there giggling, this fat old guy in overalls who was a NORMAL-O (What we call Normal, non-convention related people who were at the same hotel the convention was being held at). After the Normal-O came in, it got really quiet and Awkward. So, finally, after a minute L said "Uh... I should go." Then he pressed the button that opens the elevator doors and he ran out. Then, a few seconds after that me and my cousin (Me being Kallen from Code Geass, and My cousin being Misa from Death Note) looked at eachother and said "Uh... we should be going, too." then we also ran out. After that, us and the random L just sat there and laughed and laughed.
We also kept running into these guys from a card trading shop who were wearing long white coats that said "Pokemon Professor" on them. Everytime we saw them, they gave us free pokemon cards, pins, and stickers, so now I have this great big bag filled with Pokemon cards. I stuck the stickers on the back on my convention badge, and put the 41 pins I got on my convention lanyard thing. It was great. I also took a pic of all the Pokemon professor guys when they were doing this really funny group pose on the big "Grand Staircase" at the hotel. Needless to say, their posing and my picture taking caused a HUGE traffic buildup on the stairs, with around 50 people trying to go up, and 50 trying to go down.
The cosplay contest/masqurade was great, too. I didn't enter this year, though. But, yeah, it was still enjoyable. BUT! The best part came AFTER the cospaly contest/masqurade was over when they started the closing ceremonies. Heh heh heh. During the closing ceremonies I got to sit RIGHT behind Vic Mingogna. It was awesome. I got him to sign a DVD and a hat. He was also fun to talk to, even though he's, like, as old as my mom, I think. lol AND... during anime idle (I know that's spelt wrong, forgive me!) MY SUPER, ULTIMATE, AWESOME, AMAZING, HERO TUXEDO MASK SANG A SONG WHICH I MADE A VIDEO OF AND MIGHT POST LATER JUST FOR FUN.
*whew* I'm tired now. Maybe I'll write more about Convention fun later!
Jya ne!